Join hands for four years, gather in Sanya and celebrate together

On November 28, 2021, minisilicon Technology celebrated its 4th birthday, and in these four years, Micon has grown steadily step by step. During this process, it encountered difficulties and also ushered in its own shining moments. For this reason, the company has decided to take a hard core group building trip to Sanya.


DAY1:18:30 Departure - Lihe Wyndham Hotel Sanya

Day2: 08:00-16:00 Wuzhizhou Island

17: 20-20:00 Beach BBQ+Beach Bonfire Evening Party

DAY3: 08:00-12:00 Yacht Half Day Tour

13: 30-17:00 Helicopter Experience

17: 00-22:00 Fourth Anniversary Dinner Celebration

DAY4: 08:00~11:00 Tianya Haijiao

13: 00~17:00 Yalong Bay Tropical Paradise Forest Park

DAY1: Sanya Wyndham Hotel 20211125

Due to the epidemic situation, we all had Nucleic acid test before departure, and we also did a comprehensive protection work when we went out. We had all got the mask disinfectant ready. It was 11 o'clock at night when we arrived at Sanya Phoenix Airport. We received the Nucleic acid test at the airport and got the report before we arrived at the hotel. It was two o'clock in the morning on the 26th. Although our passion was not quenched, we were looking forward to the sun rising on the 26th, We need to start a beautiful tourism mode!


DAY2: Meimei Wuzhizhou Island 20211126

The morning in Sanya in November is particularly beautiful, with excellent air and comfortable sea breeze! The breakfast in the hotel was very hearty, and everyone was well fed. We arrived at the ticket office on Wuzhizhou Island with a smooth ride of about 40 minutes, sweeping away the long queue before. I quickly boarded the island boarding ship - it was sour and exciting, and Xiaowa was the best way to express it. Anyway, I felt uncomfortable and wanted to cry.

Mr. Luo has been encouraging everyone to participate in various projects as much as possible and experience new challenges. So everyone enthusiastically signed up for various projects. The sea water of Wuzhizhou is really healing. The green sea surface is as soft as silk, gently rippling with the sea breeze. My friends also had a great time this time, strolling on the golden beach, taking a tour around the island, diving, and taking a walk in the water... Diving was really fun, with colorful little fish and cute jellyfish all around us.

Our slogan is called out here: minisilicon Technology - Opening the Future of Speed of Light



Yeah, the young man is good


A lotus flower that flows out of water


What is Wuzhi Zhoumian?


Wow, Big Sister Zhang's look back.


Hot Beach BBQ+Bonfire Evening Party

In the evening, I went to Yalong Bay to have a hot BBQ, watched the wonderful performances of my friends, and stepped on the thin beach of Yalong Bay.


Ignite the Holy Flame


It's all big long legs.


DAY3: Fresh Yacht Sail Away+Exciting Helicopter Experience+Shocking Sanya Eternal Love Performance 20211126

Today's project is particularly interesting. It should be the first time for many students, taking a yacht for the first time, experiencing a helicopter for the first time, and watching the Sanya Eternal Love Performance for the first time.

On the yacht, you can take a look at the distant scenery, blow the sea breeze, bask in the morning sun, and prepare many delicious food. The activities on the yacht are also colorful - sea biking, underwater diving, sea fishing, and the children's favorite sea duck. Handsome guy and pretty girl, with clear water and blue sky, it's really fresh and exciting.


Helicopters are basically timed in seconds, with one person completing the journey in 50+seconds, which is brief and exciting.

The performance of Sanya's eternal love story is shocking and touching, from which we can learn about the origin of Sanya, its poignant love stories, the justice and kindness of its people, and its unique characteristics.











A warm and touching fourth anniversary celebration

Finally, the climax of the event - the fourth anniversary celebration event.

Firstly, the leader delivered a speech, recalling the difficult journey of Mixin over the past four years and looking forward to its bright future. Micon Technology - Opening the Future of Speed of Light, Striving to Become a Domestic Chip NO1

The organizing committee also prepared awards for colleagues, and each recipient highly recognized their award.

Then there is the talent display of the young representative, who is truly a skilled singer and dancer in the second generation of Mixin.

We had a big Birthday cake while eating, drinking and playing. What we saw was Micon Technology - opening the future of light speed. When the birthday song sounded, everyone sang together, blew candles, the boss made a wish (it is estimated that everyone will have Financial independence as soon as possible), cut the cake and taste the delicious cake.






DAY4: 'If you don't regret for life, if you go, you will regret for life.' The ends of the earth and the panoramic forest park

I have long heard that the ends of the earth do not regret for life, but for those of us who have never seen the sea, it is absolutely no, no. Take a look at the beautiful scenery here!





The old internet celebrity clocked in and collectively moved to Yalong Bay Tropical Forest Park.

Climbing high and looking far, the sky sends a big one ♥, Do you love this beautiful scenery?



Walk along the net red glass walkway and sprinkle a handful of dog food



However, finding romance is not the purpose of this trip, what we want to play is thrilling and exciting.

Fly over the rainforest, hang yourself on this rope and wander from the jungle to experience the feeling of 'Mount Taishan the ape'.

12 levels, one after another, are you asking me if I'm afraid? What is there to be afraid of after having Luo's big mat!



After flying over the rainforest once, it was not satisfying, so we collectively returned to the mountaintop and drifted down in a rubber dinghy to float the rainforest.

I played up and down in the rainforest twice, looking at the sky. It's time to end this trip to Sanya with a seafood feast!

A seafood feast, if you enjoy it too much, I'm afraid you'll be too greedy.

As night fell, the fourth anniversary celebration trip to Sanya also came to an end. Everyone bid farewell and left the warm Sanya together. They boarded the plane and returned to their respective BASE locations, continuing to work with more enthusiasm and energy.

Thank you for your support and participation. Thank you to the organizing committee for the anniversary celebration for their thoughtful arrangements. We look forward to a more warm, grand, and enjoyable gathering next time.

Come on, Michin!